Posted by -rania omran
Haitham Hussein: The Armed Forces achieve daily victories by standing firm in the face of plans to dismantle the state and neighboring countries.
Engineer Haitham Hussein, Chairman of the Board of the "Egyptian Workers Economic System," sent a congratulatory message and greetings to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, on the anniversary of the glorious victories of the October War and Martyr's Day.
He also directed a special commendation and salute to the men of our valiant armed forces and the souls of our heroic martyrs, especially the makers of victory and peace, whose names will remain immortal in our history every year. Egypt, its people, its leader, and its armed forces will continue to thrive with goodness, pride, dignity, and victory.
Hussein went on to emphasize..The honorable men and leaders of the Egyptian Armed Forces are responsible for the security and safety of the homeland in general, and everyone from the unified people should provide support and assistance continuously, even if it is just a commendation or a word of support, This is the least we can offer to the loyal men and guards of Egypt, for they are the ones who stay awake and work to protect the land, interests, and security of the nation so that we all can enjoy peace, reassurance, dignity, and pride.
Engineer Haitham Hussein said that the 10th of Ramadan victory was a battle of pride and dignity for a great people, it is indeed an epic of superheroes, especially since they were fasting with high temperatures on the battlefield, However, they went out to war, and their hearts were filled with one certainty: victory or martyrdom, on a day when the whole world stood and watched the courage and heroism of the Egyptian fighter who shook the hearts of the enemies with the well-known cry of victory, which is... "Allahu Akbar."